For a couple of months now I’ve been seeing mystery messages cropping up in various folders in Mailmate. They also appear in Apple Mail.

The messages have no sender, no recipient and no subject.

The body text says “Lorem. this is the body text”

Mailmate reports there to be an attachment called “test.txt" containing “this is the attachment text”

Mailmate says “no headers found” and the raw source is as follows:

Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
        boundary="XXXXboundary text"
MIME-Version: 1.0

--XXXXboundary text
Content-Type: text/plain

Lorem. this is the body text

--XXXXboundary text
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Disposition: attachment;

this is the attachment text

--XXXXboundary text--

The messages are appearing in folders associated with Microsoft accounts (Office365 and an outlook.com account).

I have 10 messages today so far, in folders Inbox, Outbox (!?) and Drafts.

Yesterday 58 messages appeared between the hours of 16:09 and 19:09 GMT.

When I first noticed the messages I assumed security had been compromised and engaged in a wholesale change of passwords, but that changed nothing.

I’m running Mailmate 5676 on Mac OS 10.15.3.

Is there a ghost in my machine?

All help gratefully received,


Jim Cook

mailmate mailing list

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