Thanks Benny.
I thought so, but I wanted to make sure I haven’t missed anything.
Bundle sounds interesting, but I don’t have the time at the moment to
play around like this…
On 28 Jan 2020, at 0:29, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 27 Jan 2020, at 3:14, leo wrote:
_I asked this before, but I didn’t see any reply, so maybe the mail
didn’t get through. So here you go again:_
I still have a huge backlog of unanswered emails to the list. In other
words, I'm most likely to be blamed for the lack of a reply.
How can I create a Smart Mailbox for all emails with size > x? (In my
particular case is x = 50 MB)
You cannot (easily).
I tried the `Size*` header, but it does not offer a numerical
operator when added as condition…
Yes, such an operator does not exist.
Then I tried the `Size*` header `Formatted` but still I found only
string comparison. So I was able to get a condition for all emails >
1MB (by testing for string contains `MiB`) but not for > 50 MB.
Yes, you'll need hacks like that for now. Very few headers are numeric
(size and spam scores) and I simply never implemented numeric
comparisons (but numeric message ordering does work). The only general
workaround would be to create a bundle command which could use the
virtual #size header to do the comparison and move itself, but this is
probably overkill (too much work for what should be much simpler).
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