I've recently been making increased use of the View -> Layout ->
Correspondence way of viewing mail in MailMate as the extra panel
provides some great context as to previous conversations with the same
person/email address.
However, like no doubt many of you, I'm a member of many mailing lists,
as well as ticketing systems, which try to regularise email addresses
for all sent mail to be from the mailing list itself (usually to avoid
things like SPF/DMARC/DKIM/etc blocks).
This means that MailMate does its skull-insertion to highlight that the
email address appears potentially inconsistent.
For example:
From: "usern...@hotmail.com" <email-l...@company.net>
And on MailMate, the first @ is the skull.
The problem is that this also seems to break the Correspondence view.
Either I get no results, or, I get a plethora of results for
email-l...@company.net, or, weirdly, something in between.
What I don't get is what I get in this view when the email is merely:
From: "Jayne Q. Rhubarb" <rhub...@turnips.net>
What I would like is for MailMate to act a bit more like Mail.app in
this regard? It seems to be able to recognise "conversations" based
upon the combination of the "friendly name" and the <> proper address.
Is there a way to do this in MailMate? Some way to see the whole From
header as the thing to base a correspondent's identity on?
Or is there another solution I've not thought of here (that doesn't
require me changing every mailing list and ticketing system on the
planet to suit my needs)?
mailmate mailing list