Grrr.. That 2nd-to-last paragraph should've read,
Now I do **NOT** have to tag anything to exclude. I can work out of
the Universal Inbox knowing that all the newsletters are already
excluded automatically.
-- Robert
On 18 Sep 2019, at 15:49, Robert DelRossi wrote:
Charlie -- I was the one who got you down the path of tagging incoming
mailing list messages in the first place. But something Max Rydahl
Andersen said got me considering a different, cleaner approach. I'm
not sure it will work for you, but here is what I did:
First, I created a new smart mailbox called "Universal Inbox." The
goal for the Universal Inbox is a place that I can work that isn't
cluttered by all my various newsletter subscriptions.
On the Universal Inbox I set its Mailboxes tab to a two-part "all"
* Condition 1 is the built-in "All Messages" mailbox. That brings in
every message from every server I use (Google, Business, Personal,
* Condition 2 of the compound is set to "None of the following
mailboxes" and here I list every other Smart Mailbox that I don't want
to see, like all my newsletter and the one I have to this MailMate

Now I do have to tag anything to exclude. I can work out of the
Universal Inbox knowing that all the newsletters are already excluded
Hope this might be helpful to you.
-- Robert
On 11 Sep 2019, at 8:45, Charlie Clark wrote:
On 10 Sep 2019, at 18:03, Charlie Clark wrote:
I think I've got this working for me. I've created some additional
smart mailboxes (Python, Web, etc.) and put the mailing lists I want
in these. I then set a rule for all mailing lists to be tagged as
Mailing List. Then I excluded the selected mailing lists from the
general mailing list mailbox. Then I set a condition for my accounts
and their inboxes to ignore anything tagged mailing list. I
initially tried setting the condition tags does not exist for the
inboxes but that didn't work as expected.
Okay, this doesn't work quite as expected. Once a new mail arrives on
a list, the list gets added to the general Mailing Lists folder but
does not appear in the dedicated mailbox. I can appreciate this is
because of the slightly circular logic and can work around it, but it
would be nice if something like this could be added.
Charlie Clark
Kronenstr. 27a
D- 40217
Tel: +49-211-938-5360
Mobile: +49-178-782-6226
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