On 23 Jun 2019, at 11:09, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 5 Jun 2019, at 14:35, Eric Sharakan wrote:
Hi, recently I'm noticing that when I select a new mailbox to view,
I'm often left with the oldest messages visible in the summary pane.
Sometimes I'm left somewhere in the middle of the list of messages.
What I prefer (and what I'm pretty sure used to be the case), is that
the newest messages are in view whenever I select a mailbox. This
only seems to be an issue if there are no unread messages in the
If you have a reproducible case then we can try to debug it (off
list). It should be something where you relaunch MailMate, select a
mailbox, and then that mailbox is not showing the most recent emails.
The mailbox should not be selected when you quit MailMate because this
is a special case where message should remember the current scroll
(To be honest, I don't recall the exact logic of default scroll
location, but I do see MailMate showing me the newest messages if I
select a mailbox not previously selected while running MailMate.)
Okay, I'll see if I can create a reproducible recipe. So far it seems
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