On 18 Jun 2019, at 13:09, Alain Israel wrote:

Is there a possibility, when you move a message to a mailbox, to open that mailbox automatically at the same time?

How are you moving the message? Drag'n'drop, the “Move to Mailbox” interface, and/or explicit actions like “Move to Archive”?

Are you looking for a general option to always do this? (Which I think would be annoying most of the time.)

I guess I'm asking, what is your use case? Maybe there's something which would work better for you. I'm thinking it might be better to think of it as two separate actions. No matter how you have moved the message, MailMate could have some kind of “Go to Mailbox of Most Recently Moved Message” shortcut to help you get to that location? (Preferably phrased in a more succinct manner.)

Or maybe “Go to Mailbox” (⌘T) should, maybe optionally, always default to the location of the moved-to mailbox if that was the most recent action.

Just thinking out loud...

I can’t think of a direct way - maybe you could do it with a new [Bundle](https://github.com/mailmate)?

thanks, I am working on it, but so far without success.

I only think you could do that if you were using a key binding to move to a specific mailbox.

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