On 13 Jun 2019, at 19:22, Billy Youdelman wrote:

Eric Sharakan wrote:

The subject pretty much says it all. I've used the contextual menu item to place an account offline, yet if I specify the From address of an outgoing message to be from that offline account, MM still happily sends the message.

It seems that should be blocked, with an appropriate error message.

Well, historically IMAP and SMTP are two completely different things, but this has changed over the years which is also reflected by the account settings window in MailMate. Some IMAP/SMTP providers are also kind of merging the concepts in various non-standard ways which is a known problem in MailMate (duplicate sent messages).

I'm not sure about what most MailMate users would expect as default behavior, but MailMate does have an option for you:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmDoNotSendFromOfflineAccounts -bool YES

I don't think so. It's nice to be able to use other addresses, which I do somewhat frequently. A standards-observant user agent should, I believe, in this case insert a Sender header with one's actual address, but I don't think that's a major issue.

MailMate does the exact same thing as if the IMAP account was online... (continuation below)

I have noticed (bearing in mind I'm running a now fairly old version of Mailmate) that 'sent' copies of messages from an offline account will at least sometimes get filed in the Sent Messages folder for that account, which can make things a bit messy if one relies on having those copies.

...including saving a copy of the message in Sent Messages of the account. But given that it's not online, the message cannot be uploaded which could be a problem if the account is never online.

I BCC myself, as that keeps everything in the same one place.

Yes, that could be a workaround to get an online copy.

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