Excellent news! Thanks!


On 31 May 2019, at 12:16, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> Hi MailMate users,
> a couple of updates on the subjects I wrote about a month ago.
> First some very good news: I've finally passed the verification process for 
> the Google OAuth API. It has been a bit frustrating and involved weird steps 
> including making a YouTube video essentially showing that MailMate is an 
> email client. In the end I was again asked to go through the security audit, 
> but after yet another appeal it was revealed that this was a mistake. This 
> means that MailMate will continue to support Gmail -- also after January 
> 2019. Well, at least until the next time Google decides to threaten to pull 
> the OAuth plug.
> My work on WKWebView (the new message view) continues. It's still not ready 
> for testing (because of a lack of essential features like image blocking and 
> signing/encryption results), but I've added important major features like the 
> “Find” interface to do text searches. A new feature is that this now also 
> works for the headers. Scrolling behavior has been tricky to implement, but 
> this is almost complete. Next up are changes needed for how HTML is created 
> for the message view. The new message view allows multiple HTML segments to 
> be created and displayed in separate HTML views. This is both more flexible 
> and more robust with respect to security when dealing with signed/encrypted 
> content and/or when displaying complex and/or multiple messages.
> (And the bad news: When I work on major features I tend to fall behind on 
> answering emails and updating support tickets.)
> -- 
> Benny
> https://freron.com/become_a_mailmate_patron/
> On 30 Apr 2019, at 16:56, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi MailMate users,
>> I know I'm behind on answering emails (also on the mailing list), but it 
>> doesn't mean I'm not working :)
>> ## WKWebView
>> Right now I'd just like to note that I'm busy working on replacing the main 
>> message view in MailMate. It currently uses the so-called WebView class 
>> provided by Apple, but this was deprecated a long time ago (by Apple) and it 
>> should be replaced by a so-called WKWebView. Both classes are used to 
>> display HTML (which MailMate also generates to display plain text messages) 
>> and if that is all that is needed then it's a simple replacement. But 
>> MailMate also has image blocking, context sensitive menus, text search, etc. 
>> and all of this has to work in a completely different way. In some cases, 
>> it's not even clear that I can provide the same features as before. We'll 
>> see about that. WKWebView is 10.10+, but right now it looks like image 
>> blocking can only work on 10.13+. I'm not quite sure what to do about that 
>> yet...
>> The latest test release includes the new message view, but it's disabled for 
>> now because too many things don't work yet. I'm mainly writing about this 
>> since some changes might also affect the old message view in the latest test 
>> release.
>> The good news is that when the replacement is finished then I should, at 
>> least in theory, be able to fix various old issues.
>> ## Google OAuth API Application Verification
>> MailMate uses the so-called OAuth2 authentication method for Gmail IMAP/SMTP 
>> access. This works far better than password-based access which I suspect is 
>> eventually going to be dropped completely by Google. I had (and still have) 
>> some reservations about OAuth2 support which I outlined in [this blog 
>> post](https://blog.freron.com/2015/is-oauth2-support-a-good-thing/). I 
>> expressed that I worried that Google would some day use OAuth2 to “hit the 
>> kill switch” on MailMate...
>> ...and recently I was told by Google that I needed to start a verification 
>> process for MailMate. I've done that and if I understand correctly I have 
>> until the end of 2019 to complete this process.
>> Now, the problem is that I'm not really sure I can (or is willing to) 
>> complete the verification process at all. It *might* include a security 
>> audit with a price tag between $15000 and $75000+ (I'm clearly in the wrong 
>> business). There seems to be exemptions for desktop email applications and 
>> I've asked Google to clarify this, but I also feel that I'm obligated to 
>> tell my users that I think it's a potential risk that MailMate cannot 
>> support Gmail starting January 1st, 2020. As soon as I fully understand 
>> what's going to happen, I'll make sure to clearly state it wherever it's 
>> relevant on the homepage and in the documentation.
>> Here's a [link to the Google 
>> FAQ](https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/9110914) on the subject if 
>> anyone is interested.
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