On 8 May 2019, at 2:28, leo wrote:

Hi all,

When messages send to one of my addresses say `mailm...@halloleo.hailmail.net` in BCC mode (e.g. when send from a mailing list), how can search for them?

Typing in the search field

    t mailm...@halloleo.hailmail.net

doesn’t find them, because it only looks in the `TO` and `CC` headers. I found a way how to list theses messages in a *Smart Mailbox* (via the X-Delivered-To message header from the *other* dropdown in the mailbox conditions), but I would like to find them in *ad-hoc searches* via the search field as well.

An way to do this?


Instead of using the search bar, use the command Edit -> Find -> Mailbox Search. This lets you specify any header field for the search. I suggest searching on the "Received" header field for the address in question.

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