I have a custom email address for this list and MM sets it as sender
correctly for both replies and new mails to the list.
On 1 Apr 2019, at 16:37, Michael Nietzold wrote:
i have a seperate email adress set for the freron email ist. but
because the mails from this list don't are something special (they not
not have my email in the `TO:` header). but if i hit reply i always
need to remember to set this special email as `from` for this email.
- i get mailmate list
- i hit reply
what i see:
- it uses my default email
what i expect:
- it should remember that i used a different eMail
- or a setting (dict) like the `MmDefaultBccHeader`, where i can set
some adress for some `to`
`defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmDefaultFromHeader -dict
"mailmate@lists.freron.com" "myspecialem...@example.com"`
mailmate mailing list