On 23 Mar 2019, at 10:27, Marc ARC wrote:

I want to define a smart mailbox to contain/exclude all mails where the From: equals the To:. Is there a datapoint/variable which can be used for the value in the filter

So the filter would look like <From:> <is> [To(of this email)]

No. I guess something like that could be obtained by some elaborate system which uses a tag to temporarily put an email into a single-message smart mailbox and then use that on the right side of a “is in” comparison, but that sounds a bit messy :-)

I guess the “is in” comparison method could offer a special “This Message” virtual mailbox, but it seems like overkill (implementation-wise) if “from = to” is the only real use case for such a feature. Then again, if it was extended to also support “Parent Message”, “This Thread”, and other variants then it might make sense to add... (Implementation-wise, I'm afraid it's far from straightforward.)

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