On 18 Mar 2019, at 21:18, Sherman Wilcox wrote:

I use correspondence view extensively. I use Subject and Date Received columns in most folders (I’m under the impression that the columns in correspondence view can be set on a per folder basis).

I’ve noticed that lately in the Inbox, where I have only Subject and Date Received columns in the correspondence view, every once in a while a third column will appear, the From column. Is there any reason why this could be happening?

I don't know what would trigger this specific behavior, but as stated in another recent thread on this list, the entire column-caching system is unfortunately buggy :| (I'm not going to try to debug any specific issues with the current system since it needs to be completely replaced with something more robust/explicit instead of the current “trying-to-guess-when-the-user-would-want-to-save-or-restore-mailbox-related-settings”.)

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