On 6 Mar 2019, at 22:10, Michael Nietzold wrote:
Based on your description, it definitely sounds like a bug.
Steps without success
- and synchronize on the Smart Mailbox don't recalculate the Subfolder
(what i expect in this case)
- take Mailbox offline and then online
- restart MailMate
Are you sure that relaunching MailMate did not fix this? Smart mailboxes
are not saved to disk, that is, they are computed on startup and I would
therefore expect relaunching to behave similar to your workaround below:
Workaround with success:
- i need to edit the Settings of the Smartmailbox (for example to
"from -> adress") and then change it back to my settings
If this really is the only way to make it “update” correctly then I
would expect another relaunch to put it back into the bad state. It's
very interesting if this is not the case and also important with regard
to reproducing/fixing the issue.
Also tested:
- wenn i search inside the rootnode (not in a subfolder) of the same
Smart Mailbox then the messages are removed from the list
In order to debug this issue I would like you to do the following. Send
me the following file using “Help ▸ Send Feedback”:
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Mailboxes.plist
Then tell me the steps needed to reproduce this where you also tell me
the names of the mailboxes involved.
Also, make sure you try with the latest test release to make sure this
is not related to an already fixed issue: Hold down ⌥ when clicking
“Check Now” in the Software Update preferences pane.
Thanks for your patience!
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