When I delete a message on MailMate (which moves it to the “Deleted Messages” folder), the message still shows up when I read my mail on my iPad.
The iPad uses Apple Mail to talk with my company Exchange server.
MM on my Macbook is running IMAP protocol, with the same server (outlook.office365.com).

So, it appears that MM is not updating back to the server, when something gets deleted. Is there a way to fix this, so I only have to delete messages once, and don’t see them again on my iPad?

thanks for suggestions.

Question 2: How to bulk delete old attachments? I want to delete, from my hard drive and from the server, all attachments older than a few months. I can do this by locating the attachments folder in my Library, and manually deleting them, but this is not very practical. Is there an automatic way to do this?

Even better: If I have SAVED an attachment from a mail message into my downloads folder, is there any way to automatically delete the attachment from mail immediately? This would be very nice.

On 25 Mar 2019, at 7:27, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

Hi MailMate users,

the latest test release of MailMate is the first one which has a so-called “hardened runtime”. This allows it to be notarized by Apple resulting in the following to be shown when new users open MailMate for the first time:

![](cid:F4BB4190-6CF2-45AD-BABA-A4E43183D58C@freron.com "Screenshot 2019-03-25 at 14.04.17.png")

(The usual one has a yellow warning triangle.)

Apple writes about notarization [here](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/notarizing_your_app_before_distribution), but it's written for developers. Most users just need to know that notarization means that before each release I upload a copy to Apple. They make some automated checks and report back when it has been accepted/rejected.

The hardened runtime means that MailMate cannot access resources for which I have not explicitly requested MailMate to be able to access. For example, MailMate can no longer, in any way, access the camera, because I have not requested such access in the so-called list of entitlements. For now, MailMate only requests access to Contacts, Calendar, and AppleScript. The user is still explicitly asked about access and access can be declined by the user (just like before).

Most of the above is only relevant on Mojave.

Now, MailMate is a complex beast and it's very likely I've made mistakes. I have also not tested that it does not break anything on macOS releases before Mojave (in theory, it shouldn't be a problem...).

In case of any issues, the last test release without the hardened runtime can be fetched here: http://updates.mailmate-app.com/archives/MailMate_r5620.tbz

And yes, I will hopefully soon get around to answering mailing list emails :)


Technical details:

If you want to test this from scratch then you need to explicitly download MailMate here: http://updates.mailmate-app.com/archives/MailMate_r5622.tbz

You also need to reset existing MailMate permissions like this:

        tccutil reset All com.freron.MailMate

(This affects what you see in the “Security & Privacy ▸ Privacy” pane of System Preferences.)
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