On 8 Mar 2019, at 12:48, Randall Meadows wrote:
I'm pretty certain that all my Smart Mailboxes used to show the From:
column. Currently, they are all showing the To: column; duh, I know
who the messages are to. Yes, I can add the From: column manually,
but I'm unable to remove the To: column (it's disabled in the pop-up
Anyone know what caused this change, and how I can get back to the way
the mailboxes displayed yesterday?!
Also, am I really unable to set default column configurationD for
Smart Mailboxes? That option is also dimmed in the pop-up menu...
On rare occasions, I do get the "Use as Default Columns" item enabled,
but on the rare occasions (which do NOT correspond to the previous "rare
occasions") where the "Revert to Default Columns" is enabled, selected
said item does NOTHING (e.g., the columns remain as they are, they are
NOT reset to the previously-configured default columns. I cannot
determine what causes said "rare occasions" to occur...
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