
I'm nearly sure that this used to work, but, for some reason what I'm after isn't working now.

I have a regular need to quickly see all other emails to/from a specific address.

In the past, it was my recollection that simply clicking on the From address on a currently open message would do a search for anything from that address, or, anything TO that address.

At present, I can't get messages TO that address, only FROM by clicking on the header element.

Is there a way to get the messages to as well? Right now I'm having to copy the address, go the search bar (or type /) and then search for the address.

Would be a lot faster for what I need if I could somehow make that one-click solution work.

I could be mis-remembering, of course...note that this works for Subjects, and Date (for the day of the month, not to the hour/minute/second level of accuracy). Just not From.


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