Hi Tobias

– The attachments are saved to the folder in the Library when you hit the "QuickLook" button in the message to display a attachment. – They are deleted again from this folder when you delete the message that contained the attachment.

From my understanding attachments are saved in the `Application Support` path when MailMate is somehow asked to deliver the attachments to an external service. This happens when:

* *Viewing* the attachment via Quicklook
* *Opening* the attachment via the ‘Open with’ system of macOS.

In the latter case be aware that some tools which open your file will write new files in that location (think Archive Utility: If you open a zip file Archive Utility will create a folder with the zip content in MailMate’s Attachment folder. Be aware, if I understand this correctly this folder inside the attachment directory will never be deleted by MailMate.

Can it have any negative side effects if I deleted files from that folder manually?

I don’t think so. When you delete an attachment from that directory and quicklook th it again, MailMate will save it there again.

Moreover, since the attachments are stored in the message (.eml) file anyway, I don’t see why they should take up space on my disk another time, so from time to time I might remove them from the Library IF this doesn’t cause any trouble and of they aren’t purged from that folder automatically at some point anyway (i.e. even if I don’t delete the message itself).

This sort of clean-up is a great idea! (Thinking of creating a little [Hazel](https://www.noodlesoft.com/) rule! :-) ) But I think the final word whether this is really save to do should have Benny here.

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