Thanks Sherif

That explains it well.


On 5 Jan 2019, at 13:37, Sherif Soliman wrote:

Hey Leo, I'm going to reply with an email I sent in reply to someone else with the same question a while ago:

On 4 Jan 2019, at 21:00, leo wrote:

Hi all,

I’m playing with the [Visualise bundle](, but for me no graphs/pie charts appear in Safari, only the template text. Does the bundle work for anybody else? Do I have to install something else?


I wrote back on July 3, 2018:

I'm the author of the plugin. You're not missing anything. Unfortunately, the plugin stopped working somewhat recently due to a change in the security models in browsers (all major ones, as far as I know) where loading an external file in the way MailMate enabled the plugin to do was considered insecure and no longer allowed. The problem is explained by Benny in this GitHub issue.

It seems that for this to work, MailMate (or the plugin) would need to spin up a simple http server to be able to read the file generated by MailMate.

I am happy to put in some time/effort to make it work if Benny has an idea — and needed bandwidth — to find an alternative and guide me to an extent :)

Here's the [Github issue]( I referenced that has more from Benny on the issue, and research from me on possible solutions.

I'll wait for Benny to weigh in here. If he has plans to work on anything we discussed in that issue, I'm happy to do what I can. Otherwise, maybe it's best for him to remove it from the list of plugins so users don't waste their time trying to get it to work.


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