On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 10:03 AM Eric Sharakan <eshara...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Isn't the solution for TJ as simple as having a dedicated header column
> for priority, separate from "flag"?  So you don't "turn off" the
> priority setting, you just choose not to display it.

Oh, that's a very good idea. If I never have to see the "High
Priority" flag, then I don't care how often it gets misused, but I
still want to be able to use IMAP flags (and MailMate flags, ideally.)
And it solves the problem that Bill identified about IMAP not changing

A separate column for it would be great, if Benny agrees.


TJ Luoma
TJ @ MacStories
Personal Website: luo.ma (aka RhymesWithDiploma.com)
Twitter: @tjluoma
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