On 27 Sep 2018, at 19:45, Sam Hathaway wrote:

I use a Line Height Delta of -4 on the mailbox/sources sidebar to cram more into the available vertical space.

I just upgraded to Mojave and it looks like this setting is now being ignored. I can set it to any value I like and the line spacing shows up as if it was set to zero.

I’m running MailMate “Version 1.12 (5523)”.

Any fix or advice?

Try this update: https://updates.mailmate-app.com/archives/MailMate_r5530.tbz

It should fix the general issues with the mailbox list, but I haven't actually tested the delta-preference.

I suggest using “Reset Fonts” in the General preferences pane to get a clean start.

Note that the update includes an almost complete rewrite of the mailbox list. This fixes some old issues and works better on Mojave (also in dark mode), but there is a good chance that I've also introduced bugs in the process -- or that I'm not supporting all features of the old mailbox list.

A known issue is that currently “Mailboxes” and “Sources” cannot be collapsed.

It's also possible it has issues on older macOS releases since I've only tried it on 10.14 and 10.13.

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