Hi Peter

Assuming you have (or can articulate) consistent rules about what goes into which folder, smart mailboxes are (in my view) much better, because I don’t much care for spending time filing. I only have these actual mailboxes:

- inbox
- sent items
- junk (via spamsieve)
- archive
- sanelater (filter non-junk crud that I skim weekly using sanebox; I have a keystroke programmed to train messages from my inbox to sanebox when needed).

Everything else I find I can do by search and/or smart mailboxes (essentially your ‘consistent rules’ from above become the smart mailbox criteria). I have about a dozen smart mailboxes permanently set up, and use the advanced search functionality continuously. Search has a nifty ‘save’ feature, so you can set up the searches you want and save them as smart mailboxes.

Once emails are older than a year or so I shift them to eaglefiler, to keep down the volume that MM has to handle.

Searching the mail list archive will turn up multiple discussions on this topic, but I think the consensus leans towards smart mailboxes and searching.


On 15 Jun 2018, at 6:25, Peter Borsella wrote:

Hello, All,

I currently have hundreds of IMAP folders. Now that I have MailMate I’m wondering, is it better to create IMAP folders, or, better to create smart mailboxes every time I need a new collection of emails?

If this has already been debated I’d appreciate pointing me to the discussion thread.


Peter Borsella, President
**Winnow Management**
PO Box 1046
Pompano Beach, FL 33061
Office: 954-784-3674
Mobile: 954-253-3761
Fax:            954-301-5829

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