Is there a way to set up a test in MessageVerifications.plist that will fire when an element is not included in a specified list or set? What I want is to set up a test like

   title = "Message is going to an unapproved recipient.";
   details = "Verify that you want to send it!";
   conditions = "(from ~[c] '' and
                             #recipient.address IS NOT AMONG

Currently I have this kludged by putting the list of good addresses in the TO line of a dummy draft message in a dummy account and writing a condition as follows

   title = "Message is going to an unapproved recipient.";
   details = "Verify that you want to send it!";
   conditions = "(from ~[c] '' and
#recipient.address !=[c] $'imap://'.#recipient.address)"

but this is awkward to read and maintain, especially since the actual list of approved recipients is more than 130 addresses long. I'd much rather have it in MessageVerifications.plist than in the header of a dummy email message, if possible!

Shoshanna Green
mailmate mailing list

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