Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> If the popup is not shown then how can you edit the From address?

I'm new to MM and still figuring this out.  I see part of the problem, but it 
still doesn't resolve the bigger issue, which is really what I posted about.

I only had one address (my real one) defined in the IMAP account editor, so MM 
wasn't displaying the FROM popup in the status bar.  Other mail clients always 
display the FROM field, so I had been in the habit of looking at that field and 
changing it if necessary.  In MM, I had to get into the habit of going to the 
Format menu and selecting Show Identities.

I have now defined a second address.  I see now that MM now shows the FROM 
popup menu in the status bar.  I can now see which address it has selected.

> No, but that's a change which has been on my todo for a long time.
> I don't think it works well that it's in the status bar.

I agree.
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