On 14 Mar 2018, at 6:07, Randy Bush wrote:

my search fu is failing me. how do i set an expire on a mailbox, particularly Deleted and Sent?

An “expire”? You mean automatic deletion after X days?

You have to create a smart mailbox based on one or both of these mailboxes. This mailbox should have a condition with something like:

        Date-Received is not within last 180 days

Finally, create a rule which has no conditions, but the action “Delete Permanently”.

This workaround is necessary because rules are currently only checked when a message “arrives” in the mailbox. In other words, if the rule was added directly to “Deleted Messages” then it wouldn't trigger unless you added an email to the mailbox which was already more than 180 days old.

Also note that this doesn't count the days gone by since a message was deleted. It counts the days since it was sent/received.

I hope this helps.

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