On 26 Feb 2018, at 14:19, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

>> As you can see the error message did point at 
>> /tmp/mailmate_logs/mailmate_parser_problems.log which complained on 
>> non-ascii characters in a message that otherwise where claimed to be 7bit.
>> Unfortunately I do not have a copy of that file :-(
> That doesn't matter. It's unlikely to be the problem. It's just a log of all 
> kinds of workarounds MailMate has to do to parse emails.

Actually, the file only had one entry, and it pointed at some precise issues.

>> Luckily I have access to the IMAP server so I could remove the email message 
>> from the imap server and then start MailMate again. I have the message that 
>> I removed from the server if that helps.
>> Weird, isn't it?
> I'd love to have a copy of that since this type of crash is very rare in 
> MailMate. Maybe I can reproduce the crash using the file. You can compress it 
> and send it as an attachment via “Help ▸ Send Feedback”.

Ok, done!


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