On 22 Feb 2018, at 6:47, Arnau Rebassa wrote:
I have mailmate installed both in my laptop and in my desktop. From
to time I change/create new smart mailboxes, add new conditions to the
smart mailboxes, ... My doubt is if I can synchronise the mailboxes
definition/structure with dropbox? I think it’d be enough with the
file ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Mailboxes.plist.
Could this cause any problem to mailmate?
Yes, you can *only* copy this file when MailMate is *not* running.
Especially on the destination machine.
Do I need to sync any other file than Mailboxes.plist?
No, smart mailboxes are in this file, but some of them might depend on
accounts/mailboxes/tags to exist.
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