At 8:17 AM +0100 12/3/16, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 3 Dec 2016, at 1:10, Randy Bush wrote:
the imap server for ietf mailing lists has 3.7 jillion imap mailboxes.
i want to deselct them all and then only select three. any chance?
never mind. the checkbox down at the bottom, Ignore Server Subscription
State, seems to be the trick.
ok, the ietf archive seems to sing mailmate on a 16g late 2014 mbp 13.
could someone else give it a try.
MailMate is a fully offline IMAP client which
means that MailMate would try to fetch all
emails of all mailboxes subscribed. This
doesn't work well for huge IMAP archives which
were probably only intended to be accessed
using an online IMAP email client (with little
or no local cache).
For anonymous access, use username="anonymous",
and provide your email address as a password
If you think the issue is not related to the
size of the mailbox(es) you try to subscribe
then I can try it out.
I hope this helps clear up the issue.
I'm confused. How do you set MailMate to only
pay attention to 3 of the jagillion mailboxes at
mailmate mailing list