it looks for me that this is a more an iCloud / BusyContacts
maybe you ask there for more help?

On 21 Aug 2017, at 15:14, Jody Foo wrote:

In reply to Benny Kjær Nielsen (2017-08-21, 12:12):

Hmm, I don't know exactly when MacOS synchronizes contacts. I'm pretty sure that this does work if using iCloud Contacts, but I might be wrong.

Thanks, I've made a note to test how iCloud behaves.

Or can I add the CardDAV source to MailMate directly using some hidden option? Or perhaps even specify a shell command to use for address completion (since I already set this up for my experiments with command line mail agents)?

That last one is not currently possible, but I've considered adding it. The GUI (Composer preferences pane) already has a list of auto-completion sources and I considered adding some kind of script-based alternative. It's not a high priority though :)

Ok! Thanks for the info.

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