Annamarie wrote (at 6:31 on 16 Jan 2018):
So I have three emails I've sent out that misspell the address...MM annoyingly finds the misspelled one and uses it. I know I can fix this by deleting the misaddressed emails in my Sent Folder BUT I need the record of what I've sent so I don't want to delete them.What can I do to stop MM from using the bad one - beside paying close attention to it?
I haven't personally tested these methods, but based on my understanding of MailMate you have two methods from which to choose:
1. Move the misaddressed messages out of your Sent folder and into another folder.
2. Blacklist the incorrect addresses: a. Open a message that contains an incorrect address. b. Right-click the address you want to tell MailMate not to use. c. Click **Add "<address>" to Blacklist.** John
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