On 23 Nov 2017, at 0:24, Bill Cole wrote:

On 22 Nov 2017, at 12:22 (-0500), Robert Brenstein wrote:

I hope that when MM starts properly syncing its setting, that can be followed by syncing flags and tags directly. I am using like 6 different mail servers and only 1 seems to sync them, which translates into 1 account of like 12 for me.

Flags and tags are implemented in MM using IMAP's flags feature, so a shoddy IMAP server that does not support that feature requires that MM store any flags in the local cache for each message. This could be a HUGE sync project across clients, complicated by the fact that messages in the local cache may not be numbered identically on 2 different clients. It's not an impossible problem, but it's a very big task for first sync if you have a lot of messages and will always be slow. It's the price of 3rd-rate IMAP servers...

Shoddy IMAP servers might be the issue indeed but I am sure I am not the only one facing this and if MM could support tags reliably across the spectrum of servers (using IMAP or not), it would surely be a big plus.

Two of my problematic services are running on Exchange. Another is using office365.com. Yet another is running CommuniGate Pro which supports the IMAP tags but they decided to allow only a subset of standard tags (I am arguing with them but no luck so far — large institutions have their own ideas what should be).

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