Also, known bug that default columns relatively randomly revert to original standard default and you must find a mailbox that still shows your desired columns, use "use as default columns" on that mailbox, then go to your offending mailboxes and use "revert to default" on each of them. Sometimes it will stick for a few days or weeks, sometimes you'll be needing to "revert to default" every single time you switch mailboxes. This bug is well known to the author and hopefully will be fixed someday.

I do think all mailboxes should use a user's default columns and not the standard default if a person sets up their own. The behavior mentioned by Robert should not happen. I consider that a bug in itself, also, but that is my opinion.


On 2 Nov 2017, at 14:47, Robert Brenstein wrote:

On 2 Nov 2017, at 18:17, Andreas Borutta wrote:

MailMate only has 1 default set of columns (see “Use as/Revert to Default Columns” in the columns menu).

I tried that.
Steps to reproduce:
I choosed all columns in one mailbox which I need.
I set all widths to the size I prefer.
Than I choosed "Use as Default Columns".
But all the other mailboxes do not overtake the set nor the sizes.

But, as readers of this list knows, there are bugs in the column save/restore system which means it doesn't always behave as you might expect.

May be I have wrong expectations about the feature.


You need to right-click on the column headers in each mailbox and select to use the default columns. Yes, for each mailbox separately. New mailboxes use default setting by default but if you changed anything in any mailbox, the defaults are ignored unless you tell MM explicitly to start using them again.

A few mailboxes do not use default settings no matter what. This was discussed in an earlier thread. Sent and Drafts come to my mind but there was at least one more. The default settings are not optimal for those anyway, so it is not a real issue.

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