On 7 Jul 2017, at 11:58, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 7 Jul 2017, at 8:24, Robert M. Münch wrote:

Hi, I have one sender where all special chars get trashed when I reply. Even my own signature gets screwed up:

This is the only person I have this problem with. Any ideas?

Seems to indicate a bug in MailMate (possibly triggered by a buggy email). If you have an example you can forward to me (off list) using “Message ▸ Forward as Attachment” then I can try to reproduce it.

Thanks for the example (off list). MailMate behaves as expected since what you see is what really is in the plain text body part of the original email. In other words, it's a bug in the sending email client.

If you use the HTML embedding feature of MailMate then it doesn't matter much, because your correspondent is unlikely to see the plain text part of your reply. If you don't use embedding then it would be better for you (in this case) if MailMate based the plain text of the message on a conversion of the HTML, but it's not currently possible to force MailMate to do that.

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