On 26 Jun 2017, at 16:39, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 23 Jun 2017, at 7:13, Patrik Fältström wrote:
>> I know some state in the display is saved by mailbox, but it is unclear to 
>> me a. what has happened and b. how do I fix this. I have tried to set the 
>> layout of the "search result folder" (if that was a specific state) but 
>> regardless of what I do I get the search result done by From, and SpamSieve 
>> Score is visible.
> The default search folder is “All Messages”. It doesn't stick if you switch 
> to this mailbox (without searching) and change columns/sorting?

Hmm...now when I use Version 1.9.6 (5383) I can not reproduce anymore.

I have changed the default search folder to a different mailbox (a virtual 
one), and when I just look at that folder the format is "correct" and I get the 
same sort order etc now.

Unless I had the problem at my computer at home... :-(


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