Hey All,

I switched to Fastmail a few years ago and the switch was painless. It was trivial to import my existing email using their tools. Here are my thoughts on what both of you have mentioned so far:

- With regard to the limitations on tags, I can't really say since I don't use all that many. For the few that I do use I haven't yet hit any snags. - Server side filtering used to be WAY more powerful, but I suppose they realised that it was overly complex for the majority of users and therefore simplified it. So, it doesn't seem like you'd be able to tag incoming messages server side. You can however create rules to move mails to specific folders or forward to an alias used for your bills etc. - Spam protection is top notch. I've disabled it for now since I was doing some tests with SpamSieve but when it was active, I don't recall ever receiving spam mail. I did have to whitelist one or two, but it learnt real quick. - Since I have a grandfathered account, there are some of the newer features I can't test reliably, but from what you describe about your setup, it shouldn't be hard to create the users you need as your needs change; - Push works incredibly well. When it was released, I did a few tests. iPhone by my side and MailMate open. Changed or deleted an email in Mailmate and the sync was almost immediate. - CALdav and CARDdav are a plus, even if you just use them as a backup of iCloud calendar and contacts ;)

Do let me know if you would like me to perform any further tests, I'd be happy to help, and if you do decide to go with Fastmail and would like to, you can use my [referral link](https://www.fastmail.com/?STKI=12019021) to sign up. You'll get 10% discount on the first year.

Pedro Lobo

On 13 Apr 2017, at 17:04, Eric A. Meyer wrote:

Hello all,

I'm set on moving my personal domain's email, which is managed by a third party on an ad-hoc basis, to either Fastmail or Runbox. I was hoping the wisdom of this especially smart crowd could help me decide which is better suited to my situation, or for that matter what I need to think about that I'm not.

I have my primary email account, this one, and a few aliases that funnel to it. My wife and daughter also have their own accounts (one each), and my son will need one soon. I suspect my daughter will just have all her mail forwarded to GMail, at least for the time being. My wife and I each use MailMate.

I do use IMAP tags on my mail. Currently I have a total of 27. I'm not planning on adding more any time soon.

I don't mind at all writing server-side rules and filters to pre-screen anything that gets through to the inbox. I'd be very interested in writing server-side actions to IMAP-tag mail the instant it arrives, so that (for example) I could auto-tag credit card bill notifications, payment confirmations, and suchlike.

Both my account and my wife's account get joe-jobbed on a semi-regular basis-- a pitfall of having ancient, public addresses. I'd love to have a service that detected and suppressed the bounce floods that result, without me having to write rules to do so. (I can write those rules, in fact have written them in the past, but I'd rather not have to do it again.)

I don't plan to use a web-based mail interface since I already have MailMate, but having a good one is a plus for those times I might need one.

I don't intend to migrate calendars off of iCloud, at least at this point, since that's working well enough for the family at this stage. I don't use cloud-based notes in general, so that's not a needed service either.

For the future, I do have email on a completely separate domain, again administered ad-hoc by the aforementioned third party. I might want to migrate it over as well.

I've read the documentation for both Fastmail and Runbox, checked out some past articles and podcasts, and used MailMate to trawl through past posts about both companies here on the list. Both seem like they'd be solid choices, but is there anything about what I've described that seems like a roadblock to one or the other? Or that heavily favors one over the other?

Eric A. Meyer - http://meyerweb.com/
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