Thanks I will do that.

It looks like I have to import messages one mailbox at a time (because I have to choose which mailbox on import). I have a lot of mailboxes on this account.

Is there any way to import them all at once?

RE: my IMAP provider
I have used them for decades without problem but this kind of failure is a deal killer.

Much Thanks,


I have sought peace in all, and found it nowhere but in a corner with a book
        - Thomas a Kempis

On 15 Feb 2017, at 20:41, wrote:
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2017 17:57:50 -0500
From: Mark Chapman <>
Subject: [MlMt] Selectively Restore Account?

My regular IMAP mail provider has had a catastrophic hardware failure.
Unfortunately, before it went down completely it replaced all my mail
with mail from 2013. I am hoping that they have a good backup that will
restore everything when the hardware is replaced. However, in the
interim I need access to my mail.

I have everything backed up but am uncertain how to selectively restore
that one account. I think the mail would be found at:

~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Messages/IMAP/account

However, I don't think I can just replace the existing directory with
the one from backup. How do I go about this?




Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2017 01:32:47 +0100
From: "Benny Kjær Nielsen" <>
Subject: Re: [MlMt] Selectively Restore Account?

You need to use “File ▸ Import Messages...” to get the emails into the account again. MailMate can then upload the emails to the server. If
you have some overlap then “Edit ▸ Select Duplicates” might be
helpful. It selects duplicates and not the originals (the originals are
assumed to be the messages first seen by MailMate). It only looks at
`Message-ID` and size, but that should be good enough for most purposes.

You might also want to consider switching IMAP provider.

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