For now, the only supported key is `unread` and it's hardcoded into MailMate. This features is in the next update of MailMate.

Just tried it - This is *AMAZING* !

Mange tusind tak Benny!

Can't wait to see how this can be extended in future :)

aaaaand now I tried it a bit more and got some feedback:

first off - it works great and exactly as I hope for when I got single folders and its awesome.

Where it do get a bit annoying is with automatic smart subfolders which is related to the initial ask in this thread.

Here is what I had before the feature above:
        Person A (17)
        Person B (12
        Person C (2)

A VIP with all mails for a set of people, under it VIPUnread that shows all unread and then automatic subfolders based on unread.

Now with the toggle I go and remove the "VIPUnread" layer I get this:

        Person A (17)
        Person B (12
        Person C (2)
                  Person D
                  Person F
                  Person G
                  Person H
                  Person I
                  Person J

And when I press 'x' it does not change that list - thus
I would still like if it was possible to have submailfolders only show up if they actually have a "Count > 0".

So now i'm caught between two evils - having a long list of submailfolders or reintroduce the VIPUnread "workaround" but then 'x' does not work because the folder is already filtered to be only showing unread.

Hope that makes sense!

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