Thanks -- will remember that for next time.
On 10 Feb 2017, at 5:52, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 2 Feb 2017, at 21:50, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
I composed a reply message to someone and requested PGP encryption
and signature. However, my copy of the recipient's key was expired.
I obtained a new version, but MailMate still insisted it was expired
when I tried resending the draft. I deleted the old key from my key
ring, and tried stopping and restarting MailMate, but to no avail. I
finally copied all of the text from my reply message, deleted it, and
created a new reply, pasting in the old text. This seems to suggest
that MailMate is caching the key on first attempt and not refreshing
it, which doesn't seem right. (I'm running 2.0 BETA 6074.)
MailMate doesn't cache anything related to PGP keys. Every time an
OpenPGP action is needed then MailMate uses the external `gpg2`
command. There is a daemon running (used by `gpg2`) name `gpg-agent`,
but I don't know enough about the internal behavior of `gpg2` to know
if this explains the issue. It's possible to kill the daemon (and then
it's restarted when needed):
killall gpg-agent
You can try that if you see this issue again.
You can also get debug output from MailMate like this:
defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmDebugSecurity -bool YES
Then you should be able to see how MailMate uses `gpg2`.
I hope this helps.
mailmate mailing list
--Steve Bellovin,
mailmate mailing list