On 20 Jan 2017, at 9:39, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 20 Jan 2017, at 15:09, Scott Schulz wrote:

Is there some kind of debug functionality which might show me where that rule is applied?

Try this:

grep -C5 rules ~/Library/Application\ Support/MailMate/Mailboxes.plist

Bingo! For anyone else, that (modified) query provided this:

                        name = "Create Archive";
parentUUID = "46E2347D-F2E1-4AB2-A004-C40295FE7AEB";
                        rules = (
                                {       actions = (
{ folderPath = "/Users/sws/Documents/Email/Exports"; type = "exportMessage";
description = "Export to MailSteward";
set = "imap://scott%40bonkers....@imap.gmail.com/INBOX";
                        uuid = "95A5403B-44D8-4A45-95FC-4CBCEF869C98";

And when searching for that parentUUID, I found these two entries:

                {       previousUUID = "MAILING_LISTS";
                        uuid = "46E2347D-F2E1-4AB2-A004-C40295FE7AEB";

                {       name = "Examples";
                        parentUUID = "MAILBOXES";
                        uuid = "46E2347D-F2E1-4AB2-A004-C40295FE7AEB";

It was under the second, so problem solved.  Thanks for the assistance!

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