Why not just tag messages with an abbreviation for these notes/actions and then create smart mailboxes that filters for those tags? The autocomplete function in MM's tagging works well, so if you plan your tags well it could just be few keystrokes — and I wouldn't call the smart mailbox fancy:

        Mailbox > New Smart Mailbox > Conditions > 'Tags' / 'is' / [your tag]

So, for example, typing 'tmi[enter]' could ~file a message with the tag 'mi' for 'missing info'.


On 6 Jan 2017, at 9:54, Alain Israel wrote:

I had a relatively unorthodox question : is it possible to somehow attach a short note to an incoming message (such as : wait for missing information, reply when another task is fulfilled,….)? I know I can create a smart mailbox with fancy rules, but I don’t want to create one for each message.
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