On 24 Dec 2016, at 10:46, David Ledger wrote:
On 8 Dec 2016, at 20:14, Aaron Falk wrote:
Is there a way to display the number of messages in a collapsed
thread? Sorry if this is a FAQ.
If you use ‘Thread Arcs’ you can see how many messages a thread
has as long as there’s space. What would be really useful would be
if the unread ‘blobs’ were in a different colour, then we
wouldn’t have to go ‘down’, ‘down’ ‘down’ until we get
to a line with an ‘unread’ marker - we could go straight to the
first unread message.
Note that you also have “Message ▸ Next Unread Message”
With respect to thread arcs I don't think a different color would work
well, but maybe unread messages could be “disks” and read messages
could be circles. I'll give that some thought.
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