On 21 Dec 2016, at 21:44, Charlie Garrison wrote:
On 22 Dec 2016, at 0:08, Verdon Vaillancourt wrote:
Sorry for any confusion I have caused,
I don’t think you caused any confusion. ;-)
I think I caused the confusion by not escaping characters correctly when
I wanted to recommend dash-dash-space.
I jumped in since I was having a similar problem, but my issue was
‘lack’ of formatting unless I introduce a blank line. I would like
for my sig content to be on the following line from the sig marker,
not with a blank line between sig marker and sig content.
Benny, I gave an example in an earlier message in this thread. Would
it be helpful if I sent a proper report to feedback address.
This is probably unlikely to change. It would mean that dash-dash-space
needed to be treated differently than, e.g., a line with some text.
In any case, my plan is to switch the default Markdown converter to
something else. I currently use a
[modified](https://github.com/freron/upskirt) version of `sundown`.
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