Hi, some more questions:

1. It looks like the sorting order is not retained. I use "newest on top" but 
MM switches back to "newest at bottom" if I open a different smartbox. I think 
I have changed the sorting order there too. Is there a way to change the 
default sorting order?

2. The selected columns to show are not retained as well. I selected the ones I 
want to show, defined these as standard and applied it to some smartboxes. But 
after returning only the "older" default ones are shown. In the right click 
menu for columns, the "revert to default" is disabled.

3. Is there a way to apply smart inbox rules in real-time. So, when marking a 
message as read that it won't show up any longer in my "unread" smartbox?

Robert M. Münch, CEO
M: +41 79 65 11 49 6

Saphirion AG

smarter | better | faster

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