First and foremost, congrats to Mrs. Nielsen. I know what a big deal that is ;)

Secondly, So happy to have contributed way back in the initial campaign. It’s been well worth it!


On 3 Sep 2016, at 7:02, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:


this is a bit off topic, but some of you might appreciate the update.

Today is a special day, also for some MailMate users I believe. Almost 3 years ago I was very close to having to stop working on MailMate full time since it wasn't generating much revenue. I wrote a [blog post]( explaining my situation and I did an experimental crowd funding which later led to an Indiegogo-based crowd funding campaign. I was looking for money to have time (a minimum of 6 months) to make something which could be released as version 2.0. I got far more than that and at the same time daily sales increased. (Note that the MailMate 2.0 version bump has not been postponed because I haven't worked on it. It has been delayed because I want it to be much more than what I could have done within those 6 months.)

In the blog post I also wrote this:

[...] Current sales are about 1/4 of what I would need to say that I’m really doing this for a living — and then I would still earn less than I would with a regular job. The only reason I have been able to work on MailMate for so long is because I’ve had a very generous sponsor: My wife.

The time has come to pay back on that generosity. Starting February, 2014, my wife is going back to school (well, University) to get a masters degree in Health Science. For the following two and a half years I hope to be the sponsor of her dream.

My crowd funders should be happy to know that my wife has now completed her masters degree (“cand.scient.san.” is the official title) and this is celebrated **today** with a big party (which is why I won't be able to work on the Gmail issue today). Yet another thank you to you all from both me and my family.

It has been a very slow summer for MailMate sales and the crowd funding money are getting close to running out. It is almost perfectly timed with the above. Don't worry, I know sales will pick up again when 1.9.5 is officially released and the homepage is updated more regularly. The “Become a MailMate Patron” initiative has also been well received and it feels a bit like *coming back full circle* to the original crowd funding campaign.

Have a nice weekend!

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