On 3 Sep 2016, at 7:43, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

Hi everybody,

I've gotten surprisingly little feedback on this problem (for some users it has simply disappeared) and I've got no example logs yet (logs as described in the original message further below).

One hint is a user reporting that MailMate did not update the keychain with new tokens after re-authentication, but this user no longer has the issue. My current theory (*based on very little*) is that the problem is something like this:

1. Google has a temporary problem and rejects valid refresh tokens.
2. Google has a temporary problem and rejects returning a new refresh token (when re-authenticting).
3. MailMate fails to report when 2. fails.

From the lateral thinking department:

Applying Thursday's OS X Security Update required a reboot. I have no idea whether a reboot could reset "something" involved here, but I thought it worth mentioning.
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