On 24 Mar 2016, at 3:07, Ted Byfield wrote:
Sorry about the late response on this one.
I've been seeing a rising tide of unexpected quits and freezes (as in,
spinning rainbow pizzas of death). The first sign of this was
unexpected quits that happened when I tried to edit replies in
GPG-encrypted conversations, but since then the problems have become
much more common -- roughly 1 out of 3 times I interact with Mailmate
at all, including something as simple as pulling clicking on a menubar
From time immemorial the generic advice for fixing this kind of
problem for any app(lication) was: reinstall it! But I use Mailmate to
check several accounts, so I'd really like to keep the amount of work
involved to a bare minimum. Is there a clear set of steps I should
follow to try to solve this problem?
One possible clue: for a long time before these crashes/freezes
started happening, I was seeing keyboard lag problems -- sometimes a
periodic lag of a second or two while I'm typing a message.
This does sound like it could be OpenPGP related. Have you tried
disabling it (in the Security preferences pane) to see if this changes
the behavior of MailMate?
I'll need more data to tell you more. When it hangs then you can run
this Terminal command to create a log file (or use Activity Monitor):
sample MailMate 5 -f ~/Desktop/sample_mailmate.txt
Oh, I just took a look at some crash reports from you (I believe). They
indicate a problem with a progress indicator. This makes me think that
the problem is somehow related to the spinners in the mailbox list.
Maybe that rings a bell? (Maybe some other suspicious behavior related
to this.)
You can send me the sample off list and then we'll take it from there.
mailmate mailing list