On 12 Feb 2016, at 9:09, Roberto Thiella wrote:

O.K. now it’s working.
I really don’t understand what am I missing in this situation.

I don't think you're missing anything. The server is just buggy and even handles its bugginess badly. In short, it returns this:

        15:57:26 C: J34 UID MOVE 39761 Archive
        15:57:26 S: * OK [COPYUID 1452555050 39761 32355]
        15:57:26 S: J34 OK UID MOVE Completed.

when it should return something like this:

        15:57:26 C: J34 UID MOVE 39761 Archive
        15:57:26 S: * OK [COPYUID 1452555050 39761 32355]
        15:57:26 S: * 42 EXPUNGE
        15:57:26 S: J34 OK UID MOVE Completed.

(The number 42 should be the sequence number of the message in the mailbox.)

What's worse, when MailMate takes over and expunges (deletes) the email explicitly in the INBOX then it's suddenly completely gone -- also from Archive. This is why it's a serious server bug.

Nonetheless I’ll get in touch with Yandex support in order to solve the problem.
I’ll let you know about the news.

Thanks! All software is buggy (MailMate included). The difference lies in whether or not anyone cares.

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