On 10 Feb 2016, at 16:41, Oliver Giessler wrote:

Marc, why don´t you just use OS X Server from Apple? It has what you need and costs only small change.

On 11 Feb 2016, at 22:47, Marc ARC wrote:


I didn’t think of that, due to previous experiences that with every OS-change, Apple also changes the server applications.
This makes upgrading quite difficult.

But it could be a good idea

OS X Server does indeed break things on upgrades, to the point where I am loathe to put too much trust in it.

The latest "improvement" in DNS for example took away the ability to search for individual entries, the search now operates on the zone names.

I cannot help but think it's part of the general attempt to push us "into the cloud". With the amount of data I have for the bandwidth available that's a non-starter.
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