On 11 Feb 2016, at 12:52, D Yates wrote:
Does anybody know a way to create a custom key binding to File ->
Synchronize -> All Sources?
I looked at http://manual.mailmate-app.com/key_binding_selectors, but
could not find anything that looked appropriate.
I have switched all my mailboxes to synchronise once per hour, that
way I am less likely to be distracted when new mail arrives.
Ok, my first comment was going to be that you should always be receiving
INBOX messages immediately (since most servers support IMAP IDLE).
At times, I am expecting an email and wish to synchronise manually. I
can do this via File -> Synchronize -> All Sources, but would really
like a keyboard shortcut. Any ideas?
I'm afraid there is no way to do this. I guess I could add
`synchronizeAllSources:` or something like that...
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