On 28 Jan 2016, at 22:13, David Shepherdson wrote:

On 29 Jan 2016, at 07.05, Vlad Ghitulescu wrote:

I'm using the BBEdit-command in order to edit my email-messages in BBEdit.

Is there a way to position the cursor at the bottom of the email when replying / forwarding an email?

Isn’t this controlled by the Caret Placement option in the Signatures section of MailMate’s preferences? I have it set to Above Signature (with the ‘Default signature placement’ set to Bottom), and the cursor appears exactly where I would expect (when editing in MailMate, but as per the other thread I would expect it to be the same in an external editor).

mailmate mailing list

Something changed and I don't know what.

I still have the Caret Placement option in the Signatures > section of MailMate’s preferences as you suggested (*(…) set to Above Signature > (with the ‘Default signature placement’ set to Bottom) (…)*), but now **every reply put my cursor at the top again** :-(

Any idea, what could have happened?



P.S. At leas this happens now whitout activating the whole line, so it seems that the change in edit.sh still works. I append the old and the new edit.sh-file, just for reference.

=== old


if which -s bbedit; then
bbedit --wait --resume --clean +${MM_LINE_NUMBER} --pipe-title "${MM_TITLE:-(no subject)}" "${MM_EDIT_FILEPATH}"
osascript -e 'tell app "MailMate" to display dialog "Make sure you have the “bbedit” command installed. See the “BBEdit ▸ Install Command Line Tools” menu item within BBEdit." buttons "OK" default button 1 with title "Unable to locate BBEdit"' >/dev/null 2>&1 &

=== new


if which -s bbedit; then
bbedit --wait --resume --clean --pipe-title "${MM_TITLE:-(no subject)}" "${MM_EDIT_FILEPATH}"
osascript -e 'tell app "MailMate" to display dialog "Make sure you have the “bbedit” command installed. See the “BBEdit ▸ Install Command Line Tools” menu item within BBEdit." buttons "OK" default button 1 with title "Unable to locate BBEdit"' >/dev/null 2>&1 &
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