On 10 Aug 2015, at 16:23, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
Thanks, that's obviously the problem. I'll look into making the script
more robust.
It’s generally bad practice to install Python packages (other than
virtualenv) into the system site packages.
This should work…
Create a virtualenv inside the bundle itself and install Pygments there.
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install virtualenv
# in the bundle’s directory
virtualenv env
env/bin/pip install pygments
Then update the script to call `env/bin/pygmentize`.
Or look at how I did it with BeautifulSoup in Quicksilver. I don’t
even think I needed `virtualenv`, but that was a long time ago and
I’ve forgotten.
Other considerations:
* You should make sure the bundle that gets pushed out doesn’t
include the compiled files. Adding `*.pyc` to Git’s ignore list should
do it.
* This means MailMate will always use that copy of Pygments and not
the one the user has installed in some other location (like
`/usr/local`). As a result…
* Custom color schemes from PyPI would have to be installed into
the virtualenv, too.
* You’ll always be able to include a “known to work” version
of Pygments.
Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list